Sunday, December 30, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007

As per Census 2001, t he population of the Kolli Hills is 36852. There are 14 village panchayats and 275 hamlets. The population predominantly consists of scheduled tribes called Hindu Malayali whose spoken language is only Tamil. In two pockets SC population is found which is around 700.
Cultivation of Jack Fruit, Guvava, Hill Banana, Pineapple, Pepper, Coffee, Cardamom,topioca, honey and rice are the main agricultural activities.
The government reserve forests are seen in Ariyur, Puliyan Solai, Selur and Vazhavandhi Nadu. An area of 200 hectares is in the process of reforestation. Tigers and elephants which were once common in it are now extinct; only small animals such as black bears, hares, porcupines, and wild dogs are seen.
Legends have it that the hills were part of the famous Madhuvanam (Honey Forest) reserved by Sugriva of the epic Ramayana. The Maximum elevation ranges from 3500' to 4500' with the tallest peak Vettakaramalai, is rising to 4663' above sea level.
The hills formed a natural boundary between the Kongu Nadu and Chola Nadu. At the beginning of the Christian era the Mountain and its habitants were rules by Mazhavars and the King Vaivil Ori ws much celebrated among them. Legends have it that he was a great archer and released a arrow by him pierced first and elephant, then went through the open mouth of a tiger, then a deer and the a pig and then hit a monitor lizard killing instantaneously all. A statue was erected to honour the king in 1975 by Thiru Kalaingar M. Karunanidhi, Honorouble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu and the Government sponsored festival (VALVIL ORI VIZHA) every year named after him. Apart from known abode of the Saints, the Buddhists, the Jains set up a number of retreats, those fell prey to time. A stone image of Theerthangar reminds the existence of the earlier Jain influence. The famous Shiva Temple called Arappalleeswarar Temple dating back to 12th century situates at periakoviloor near the famous water falls Akasa Gangai. Reportedly an ancient and powerful deity called Kolli Paavai of Ettukkai Amman is also at Kolli Hills. It attracts large pilgrims on fiew moon days originally a Jain retreat.
The glory of Kolli Hills and the Charity of the King Valvil Ori is liberally sung by the Sangam literature like Agananooru, Purananooru, Kurunthogai, Pathitrupathu and Natrinai.
Numerous streams originate from Kolli Hills. The major rivers traversing the hills are Aiyar, Varattar etc.
At present Kolli Hills could be reached through a ghat road which was 70 hairpins bends. The village at the foot hill is Karavalli.. From Namakkal to Kolli Hills the distance is 55 KMs.. The ghat road alone 26 KMs. The district administration taking steps to form an another ghat road called Nariankadu-Mullukurichi road which, when formed will have only 2-3 hairpin bends.
For the convenience of the tourists the Panchayat Union has constructed six cottage at Semmedu. At near Arapaleeswarar Temple an Youth Hostel is also available which could accommodate up to 30 persons. This could also be used as a training center. An excellent lawn and a rose garden greets the visitors. The inmates can avail the tasty Kollihill food supplied from the canteen run by the Women Self Help Group. All these accommodations are available fro rent from the Commissioner, Kollimalai Panchayat Union, Semmedu (Phone No. 04286 247425). Apart from these at present two private lodges with boarding facilities are available.
Namakkal Anjaneyar

Lord Anjaneya temple, this temple has more than 500 Years history.
Namakkal - History on stone Places of Worship.
If it is temples, it has to be Tamil Nadu. True. If it is art, it has to be Cholas or Pallavas or Pandyas. Who said so? The artistic history of Tamil Nadu is not only confined to the Pallavas, Cholas and the Pandyas. There was another sect of rulers known as Adiamans, who of course were not as legendary as the rest. Namakkal, a temple devoted to Anjaneya can be attributed to a successor of the Adiaman clan.
Namakkal is a sacred place that contains both charm and history. The fort of Namakkal is guarded by a giant Anjaneya. The idol is so famous that it has been known as Namakkal Hanuman. There is also another Anjaneya on the banks of the tank, Kamalalaya. The difference between both the idols is that while the former is massive the latter is a wonderful piece of art.
The offering made by devotees to this temple is mainly garlands of cakes made of gram or the vadai malais. The striking attribute of this temple is that there is no roof above the God. The sun dries Him and the rain drenches Him. But He stands there, tall and commanding. There is also a bell on His tail and a sword on His hips.
Also spotted is a Narasimha temple opposite to Hanuman. It looks as if Hanuman is under the direct praise of Narasimha. The Narasimha is eight armed holding a prayoga charka, a sword, a conch and a bow. Hiranyakashipu is seen on His lap being torn into pieces. Hiranya can be seen helpless before the claws of Narasimha. There is also another exquisite piece of art in the temple. It is that of Lakshmi Narayana. This sculpture has been very elaborately carved and even the conch and the discus look outstanding.
In this temple, Mahavishnu is not resting on the Adisesha but seated. On either side are Brahma and Narasimha. There is also a place for Lord Shiva in the temple, symbolising the Shiva-Vishnu unity.
The story behind the origins of this temple goes as follows. When Mahavishnu slew Hiranyakashipu His rage did not subside. He was all hot with anger that even the Devas were petrified. They thought that if Vishnu were to remain angry forever, then the world would son come to an end. They approached refuge at the feet of Lakshmi Narayana. In order to please the Devas, the Lord took the form of both Narasimha and Lakshmi Narayana, the latter being a sober manifestation.
There is an eye-catching piece of art in this temple of both Shiva and Vishnu in the same idol. The left side of the idol has Vishnu from the summit to the toe while the right has Shiva. The uniqueness of this idol is that Shiva holds a snake in His forehand. This sight is very rare as there is no other temple which exhibits this wonder. A blend of art, history and divinity - that’s Namakkal for you.
Namakkal Fort

The fort is on the summit of Namagiri. It is one of a few naturally strong forts steeped in bloody history of the district. It was under Mysore until it was captured by the British in 1769. It was retaken by Hyder Ali a few months afterwards and was lost again to the British in 1792. It contains the ruins of a Vishnu temple dedicated to Ethirili(Peerless) Perumal with in inscription of Sadaiyavaraman Sundhara Pandiyan.
The fort covers an area of one and a half acres of flat surface and is accessible from the southwest by a flight of narrow steps.
The namam (mark) is the white and red graphic symbol of Vishnu. The symbol is depicted with two white and one red vertical lines. The Vaishnavites usually wear the symbol on their forehead.
On the hills and hillocks of Salem where Vishnu Shrines are situated, large namams are painted on the nearby boulders. On the Nama Malai , the northern spur(693 meters high) of the Jarugu Malai range, a conspicuous namam is painted on a rock on the hill side near a small Vishnu shrine. Each of the two prongs (representing the feet of Vishnu) of the namam is about 40' long and 6'eide, clearly visible from all parts of the city. Le Fanu commented.
On this enormous representation in colours of the sacred trident (which) can be seen by the worshipper some seven miles off. This mode of parading religious insignia is by no means peculiar of India.
The traveler by the Great Western Railway to oxfordshire (in English) will see the whole side of a hill stripped to the gravel in the shape of an enormous cross. I have seen in Salt Lake City, USA an enormous U painted on the hill signifying the University of Utah. Mountain of Nama. It is the name of rounded mass of gneiss rock (65 meters high and about a mile in circumference) at the center of Namakkal town. The rock expanse on the eastern base of the hill was where Mahatma Gandhi held a Public meeting in 1933.
Two rock-cut cave temples dedicated to Ananthasayi and Narasimha Swamy, are on the eastern and western sides of the rock. The temples and the images of Gods within the temples were hewn out of the living rock. As they grow naturally out of the living stuff of the earth and is sustained by the power of the rock and hill, these shrines are esteemed higher than the ordinarily built temples.
The rock also contains eight theerthams ( holy water springs) the biggest of which is the Kamalayam (Home of the Lotus) sacred to the Goddess Namagiri Amman. It was the chief source of water supply for the town until water from the Kaveri was brought. The other other Theerthams are Anantharama Theertham Narasimha Theertham and Serbha theertham. Another list includes the following : Hanuman Theertham, Lakshmana Theertham, Lakshmi Therrtham, Narayana Theertham, Rishi Theertham, and Seetharam Theertham.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Industry In Namakkal
Places Of Worship Namakkal
Mountain of the Holy Red Peak(1923) high. The legends have spawned a multitude of names fir the hill such as Aravagiri, Brahmagiri, Bogimalai, Chakkiri Meru, Dhenugri. According to the Ramayana legends , the hill fell off from the Sanjivi when it was carried aloft by Anjaneya, the Monkey God. Another legend claims that the hill was the result of a combat of strength between vayu, the wind-god and Adhisesha, the thousand -head serpent king. Adhisesha coiled himself around the Himalayas and Vayu tried to dislodge him by huffing and puffing. So fierce was the resultantstorm that Gods saints implored the scrpent king to yeild. Adhisesha slightly raised one of his hoods in order to listen better, when Vayu increased the force of wind and tore off the raised hood along with five peaks. The peaks, stained with the snake's blood, flew through the air and landed at where they are now. One of the five peaks is this Nagagiri (Snake Mountian) the other four being Kanjamalai, Sankagiri, Pushpagiri (otherwise known as Morur Malai) and Urasa Kuntha Kottai hill. After the combat was over, Kamadhenu, the divine cow, ontained from siva the grant of the five peaks and consecrated them with her milk. They, collectively known as Panchanaadi Kodumudi, are: Dhanjayanaadi Kodumudi, Dhevadhat- Thanaad-Kodumudi - Kumaranaadi Kodumudi, Kurukathanaadi Kodumudi and Rishabanaadi Kodumudi.
The mountain is perceived as a symbol and a sacred place composed of male and female elements , the peak stained with the male serpent's bold and consecrated by the divine cow. The sacredness and symbolism are further emphasized by the Siva temple on its top which is dedicated to Arthanari female.
It is a large temple whose outer walls measure 260' east-west by 198' north-south. The temple itself is 170' long and 95' wide. the main structures of the temple date back to the seventh century. Some of them (Artha Mantapam Maha Mantapam, NariGangapathy Mantapam, Sabha Mantabam, and Thandava Pathirai Vilasa Mantapam) were constructed in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The north gate tower. Built in the 1550s was renovated in the 1880s. The stone images of Kumarasamy Kangayam (who built the halls of Nari Ganapathy and Thandava Pathirai) and his four wives are on two pillars. Local traditions claim that these pillars cure the ague of worshipping sufferers.
The traditions also claim stone Nandhi in the dance hall came to life and ate grains on hearing the songs of Sivaprakasar, a visiting Saiva saint.
The stone window facing the main shrine lets in the rays of the evening sun for three days year. The fall first on the feet of the deity and slowly move upwards to the head as if in a devotional act of caressing.
This Siva temple is known as the Kizh Kovil (Lower temple) with reference to its location in the town as against the Mael Kovil (upper temple) of Arthanari Isvarar which is up on the hill. Its chief deity was referred to as Vikrama, Pandeesvarar after the Pandian King Vikrama who is said to have begun the construction of the temple. He has also given his name to a nearby hillock. Thiruvikrama Achalam, noe known as Korai Kuttai. His name is also associated with the Pandisvarar of the Uchi Pillaiyar Kovil on the summit of the Thiruchengode hill.
The construction of this temple was completed mostly by Aithappa Immudi Nallathambi Kangayan of Morur in the sixteenth century. He has also built a shirne for the Lord's consort, Parimalavalli, or in Sanskrit, Sukantha Koonthal Ambikai (Mother with perfumed Hair ) The western tower was built in 1663 and the stone base of the 76' high eastern entrance tower was built in 1663 and the stone base of the 76' high eastern entrance tower was built in 1664 by R. Kondappa Aiyan. In 1679, the massive pair of doors for this entrance was contributed by Veera Chetty. The pillars of the small but stately Nandhi hall are covered with beautiful carvings. The Brahma Theertham a well in the courtyard of the temple is accessible through an entrance in the breast of a nandhi Khubam(hallow bull) built of brick and mortar, a design similar to the one that existed in the Raja Thottam, Salem, and the one that exists in the Sukvana Isvarar temple , Salem.
The monolithic lamp-pole in the courtyard ( 60 ' high 32 ' factes) Is said to have been carved in 1551 by Arthanari Chetty of Amarakoni (Amarakundhi) According to the oral traditions , the erection of the post was found impossible even after hundreds of people laboured for days. A paria (untouchable) woman named Pavoy, daughter of Vellia Thotty, lifted it single -handedly when she went into a trance. An image of her is seen on the post. In appreciation of her miraculous help, she and her descendants were given a grant of lands. A well in the southeastern part of the town is skill known as the Parian Pazhi.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Namakkal Temples
Namakkal Tours
Namakkal is a sacred place with charm and rich history. Namakkal is mainly famous for the Adiamans sect of rulers. Namakkal, a temple devoted to Anjaneya can be recognized to a successor of the Adisaman clan. It is a historic town dates back to 14th century.
Places of Interest
Kolli Hills is the most stunning destination in the district of Namakkal. The many attractions of Kolli Hills include the Agaya Gangai ( Ganges of the Sky) waterfalls, Pineapple plantations, Arapaleeswarar temple. Kolli Hills also boasts a great assortment of jackfruits, pine apple, mountain bananas and wild honey.
The other stunning destinations are the Rock fort and the temples surrounding it.
The fort of Namakkal is guarded by a colossal Anjaneya The famous idol is popularly known as the Namakkal Hanuman. There is also another Anjaneya on the banks of the tank, Kamalaya, which is an exquisite piece of art.
Hundreds of devotees offer garlands of cakes made of gram or the vadai malais. The exclusive aspect of this fascinating temple is that there is no roof above the God. The Sun God dries Him and the heavenly downpour in the form of rain drenches Him. The idol stands tall and commanding with a bell on His tail and a sword on His hips.
Narasimha temple opposite to the popular Hanuman temple is also very famous; it looks as if Hanuman is under the direct commended of Narasimha. The Narsimha features eight armed adorning a prayoga charka, a sword, a conch and a bow. Hiranyakashipu
There is also another exquisite piece of art in the temple. It is that of Lakshmi Narayana. This sculpture has been very elaborately carved and even the conch and the discus look outstanding.
There is an eye-catching piece of art in this temple of both Shiva and Vishnu in the same idol. The left side of the idol has Vishnu from the summit to the toe while the right has Shiva. The exclusiveness of this idol is that Shiva holds a snake in His forehand. This sight is very extraordinary as there is no other temple which exhibits this wonder. Another famous temple of Namakkal includes Koolippatti Murugan Temple.
Namakkal is reachable by road. The nearest major cities are Salem, Erode, Tiruchirapalli, and Chennai. The nearest airport is Tiruchirapalli. Namakkal is well connected by rail and road ways. Namakkal is a unique blend of art, history and divinity.
The Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal was established on
Namakkal is one of the largest egg producing pockets of our country accommodating about 2.5 million layers producing around 20 million eggs per day with various systems of housing and management practices. About 75 to 80 per cent of the total replacement chicks are being produced and distributed by renowned and well-established hatcheries situated at Namakkal.
Building Facilities and Staff Strength
More than 14 blocks have been completed at a cost of 839.00 lakhs and 2 new buildings are under construction. The sanctioned strength of teaching staff is 121 and that of non-teaching staff is 127.
Awards and Accreditation
The Veterinary College and Research Institute, has been accredited by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR),
The college is offering undergraduate (B.V.Sc.,) and postgraduate (M.V.Sc., & Ph.D.,) courses in Veterinary and Animal Sciences faculty. It has 24 Departments, which cater to the academic needs of undergraduate and postgraduate students. In B.V.Sc programme, so far, 20 batches have been admitted with a total of 1338 students. From the first fourteen batches, a total of 920 students have graduated. Postgraduate programme (M.V.Sc.,) was started in this college in eight disciplines on
The following 24 Departments are there at
1. | Agronomy | 13. | Poultry Science |
2. | Animal Feed Analytical and Quality Control Laboratory | 14. | Veterinary Anatomy and Histology |
3. | Animal Genetics and Breeding | 15. | Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension |
4. | Animal Husbandry Economics | 16. | Veterinary Biochemistry |
5. | Animal Husbandry Statistics and Computer Applications | 17. | Veterinary Clinical Medicine, Ethics and Jurisprudence |
6. | Animal Nutrition | 18. | Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine |
7. | Animal Reproduction Gynaecology and Obstetrics | 19. | Veterinary Microbiology |
8. | Clinics | 20. | Veterinary Parasitology |
9. | Dairy Science | 21. | Veterinary Pathology |
10. | Livestock Production and Management | 22. | Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology |
11. | Meat Science and Technology | 23. | Veterinary Physiology |
12. | Physical Education | 24. | Veterinary Surgery and Radiology |
At present postgraduate programmes are being offered in the following Departments:
1. | Animal Nutrition |
2. | Animal Reproduction Gynaecology and Obstetrics |
3. | Livestock Production and Management |
4. | Poultry Science |
5. | Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension |
6. | Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine |
7. | Veterinary Microbiology |
8. | Veterinary Parasitology |
9. | Veterinary Physiology |
Ph.D programmes were started in this college in the disciplines of Poultry Science and Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension from the academic year 1995-96 onwards. So far 12 scholars have completed their Ph.D., in these disciplines.
Apart from this, 44 part-time Ph.D scholars in the faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences completed their Ph.D research work in this college. Thirteen part-time Ph.D scholars working in this college are doing their Ph.D research work utilizing the facilities available in this college.
A total of 280 students (both B.V.Sc and M.V.Sc) are availing about Rs.13.65 lakhs by Government of Tamil Nadu and Tamil Nadu Veterinary and
Research Projects, Sub projects, Student Projects and Part II Schemes
Fifteen (15) research projects were completed at a total cost of Rs.1.51 crore and nine (9) research projects are under progress in various departments. Student projects sanctioned by the
The Institute is routinely screening human and animal sera samples for the diagnosis of leptospirosis and helps in the diagnosis of this zoonotic disease.
Trainings/Seminars/Symposia/Workshops etc., conducted
Trainings, seminars, workshops etc., (at both national and state levels) are conducted at this Institute by the various departments for the benefit of field veterinarians, scientists of other institutions, farmers, farm women and entrepreneurs. So far 50 programmes both at national and state levels were conducted.
The library of this college possesses 7,763 latest books in Veterinary and Animal Sciences. Multiple copies of text books and 78 numbers of journals and periodicals are available to the students. Apart from this, each department has its own “Department Library” with latest textbooks relevant to their disciplines. 127 Nos. of CD ROMs, 5 Televisions, 5 Video Cassette Players and 48 Educational Video Cassettes. | |
Computer Facilities
Computer Centre is functioning in the campus for imparting practical training to the undergraduate and postgraduate students. Computer facilities are also available in all the departments with Local Area Network (LAN) and Internet facilities. Internet browsing facility is also extended to the student community on cost basis. | |
Staff Quarters
34 Nos. of staff quarters are available for providing residential accommodation to the both teaching and non-teaching staff.
| Residential accommodation for a total strength of 303 students is available. The hostel is well maintained and administered by a Warden with the assistance of four Deputy Wardens. Women students are accommodated in separate blocks. Part-time Medical Officer has been appointed and he is visiting the hostel twice a week. |
Mess is run in the hostel to cater to the needs of the students. Steam cooking equipment at a cost of 1.40 lakh has been installed under AHRDP funds in the mess. L.P gas connection has been provided to the hostel at a total cost of Rs.1.03 lakh. A gasifier with accessories has been provided to the hostel by Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency, Chennai with 100% subsidy for cooking purposes. Solar water heating system with a capacity 1000 LPD at 80°C has been provided at a cost of Rs.1.23 lakh under ICAR Development Grant. A centralized kitchen for this hostel at a cost of Rs.3.10 lakhs has been constructed under University funds.
Reading rooms with newspapers, magazines and books, entertainment halls with televisions with cable connection, tape recorders (Two in One) etc., are also provided for the benefit of the inmates of the hostel. All the hostel blocks are provided with water cooler and water purifying units.
Phone connection with STD and computerized billing facility are provided in both men and ladies hostels. Hostel library is maintained with the provision of Tamil books on various topics.
Constructed a common dining hall for the ladies at a total cost of Rs.7.00 lakhs. A total of 42 books were purchased for the Library of ladies and men’s hostels at a total cost of Rs.5,707/-.
Student Co-operative Stores
The VC&RI Staff and Students Co-operative Stores is being run for the benefit of staff and students of this college. State level best performance award has been given to the Co-operative Stores for the third time.
A fully furnished Cafeteria is functioning on no loss no profit basis in its own building at Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal for the benefit of both the staff and students.
National Cadet Corps (NCC)
National Cadet Corps belonging to No. 12 Battalion (Tamil Nadu) Army Wing (6/12 Company of 12 (TN) NCC) has been functioning here since October 1994 with the strength of fifty (50) cadets. During this year 2004-05, 24 new cadets were enrolled in the First year NCC. The military training and special corps training was given by to all the cadets of NCC through 40 parades i.e. 80 hours. 20 cadets appeared for the certificate “B” examination. 50 cadets are enrolled and given various training including drill, weapon training, map reading and adventurous activities etc.
National Service Scheme (NSS)
The National Service Scheme has a strength of 225 volunteers. Volunteers are involved in carrying out various animal husbandry activities such as livestock health camp, RDVK vaccination of backyard poultry, demonstration on milk products preparation, exhibiting video show on livestock management practices. Rain water harvesting programmes, AIDS awareness camps, environmental awareness programmes, health education activities to the rural folks and blood donation are also carried out regularly.
The students are regularly undergoing training and coaching in foot ball, volley ball, hockey, cricket, basket ball, badminton, throw ball, net ball and ball badminton. They are also participating in district, state level and South Zone interuniversity tournaments in different sports and games.
The students participated in the All India Inter-Veterinary College Students Sports, Games and Cultural festival held at the College of Veterinary Science, Tirupati from 13th to 15th May 2005 and won prizes in many events.
A multi-purpose indoor sports stadium equipped with latest hydraulic equipment has been created for the benefit of the students to develop physical fitness and overall personality. For the development of physical fitness a multigym is very well established for the students. Annual sports day is conducted every year.
Tamil Mandram
To encourage the hidden fine arts talents and to develop the leadership qualities, Tamil Mandram and Music Club are functioning at this Institute. The students’ journal “Elanthendral” is being released annually. Rolling trophies are installed at this Institute for which district level inter-collegiate competitions are conducted every year.
Email addresses of Important Offices in Namakkal District
Email addresses of Important Offices in Namakkal District
Name of the Officer/ Office | Email Address |
Collector, Namakkal | |
District Revenue Officer, Namakkal | |
Personal Assistant (Accounts) to Collector | |
Special Deputy Collector (SSS) | |
District Supply Officer, Namakkal | |
District Backward Classes Welfare Officer | |
Revenue Divisional Officer, Namakkal | |
Revenue Divisional Officer, Thiruchengode | |
Tahsildar, Rasipuram | |
Tahsildar, Namakkal | |
Tahsildar, Paramathivelur | |
Tahsildar, Tiruchengode | |
Joint Director Agriculture, Namakkal | |
Deputy Director, Health | |
National Informatics Centre, Namakkal | |
General Manager, District Industries Center | |
Project Officer, District Rural Development Agency | |
Assistant Director (Panchayat) | |
PA(Panchayat Development), Namakkal | |
Assistant Director (Statistics) |
Assembly & Parliamentary Constituencies from namakkal
Number | Name | Member |
94 | Rasipuram | RAMASWAMY.K.P |
95 | Sendamangalam | PONNUSAMY.K |
96 | Namakkal | JAYAKUMAR.K |
97 | Kapilamalai | NEDUNCHEZHIAN.K. |
98 | Tiruchengode | THANNGAMANI.P |
99 | Sankari | DURAISAMY.V.P |
Name | Member |
Rasipuram(sc) | Tmt.K.Rani |
Tiruchengode | Tmt.Subbulakshmi Jagadeesan |
Namakkal District Telephone Directory
Namakkal District
(PBX Nos: 281100, 281113 to 281115 (STD Code: 04286) (Fax Nos. 231105 , 281106, 280107)
Email : Website :
Designation / Section | Name | Direct | PABX | Resi. |
Collector | Thiru G Sundaramurthi IAS | 281101 |
| 280111 |
| 281106 |
| 280888 |
SP |
| 276480 |
| 280900 |
| 276181 |
| 281103 |
| 281124 |
| 280107 |
| 280666 |
PA(G) |
| 281106 |
| 231107 |
RDO Namakkal |
| 04286-232101 |
| 232251 |
RDO Trichengode |
| 04288-256000 |
| 253600 |
DSPs | ||||
Namakkal |
| 04286-285313 |
Rasipuram |
| 04287-222193 |
Trichengode |
| 04288-286070 |
Paramathi Velur |
| 04268-223348 |
Namakkal |
| 04286-233701 |
Rasipuram |
| 04287-222840 |
Trichengode |
| 04288-252260 |
Paramathi Velur |
| 04268-221000 |
Namakkal |
| 04286-221250 |
TB, Rasipuram |
| 04287-222959 |
TB, Tiruchengode |
| 04288-252381 |
TB, Paramathi Velur |
| 04268-223400 |